woo bb 2008 hellow 2009 =D
i'm offically a student in Macpherson ITE Digital Animation n will offically start lessons on 5th jan =]
i'll even haf a fren thr wif mi ^^
hahas anyways my new yrs resolutions!
1) b lees anti social
2) make lots of frens in ITE
3) do well in ITE
4) keep my frenship wif my sec sch frens!
5) get 2 noe n get closer 2 tat some1 more ^^
6) tell tat person hw much i feel abt tat person =D
7) lose weight!

in 2008 i made lots of mistakes .. so i'm hoping in 2009 i won;t make the same 1s again =]
happy 2009 xD

XiiaoWings blogged at 8:16 AM.

interview drawing test colour blindness test... everything went badly =(

XiiaoWings blogged at 8:03 PM.

been quite few days since blogged.. yea =/
xmas eve went church saw miss lee thr o.o" she din see mi =D tis yr's mars*dunno hw spell* was quite diffrent o.o lol!
xmas~ <3 i got wat i wanted =D
a wacom drawing tablet! <33
was from my parents n sis ^^
lunch went 2 my aunt house felt weird thr.. every1 saying i look so much diffrent n much taller n even say i looked lik emy bro =.=" i felt so insulted D:<
at nite my mum's sis n her malaysia realitive came
omgs.... my aunt was like wa... really make herself at home even treat tat shes eating in a resturna.. i din talk much thr 2 lols hmm did talk 2 my cousin awhile ba
haha i'm abt his height n his 25 yr old =X woo! hehe~!
lols i totally dunno wat else 2 say abt tat nite ba..
nxt day result 4 wat course i can get in2 happy ^^ got my 1st choice digital animation =D
den went bugis OG collect my drawing tablet bag~ den went tm saw lim jas lols..
friday emoed.. everthing u said was a lie =/
sat din nth much stayed at home rotting
sun train in maple wif him everything was so gd till 1 fag come over he stops training 2 talk 2 her.. n i was 88% -,- so let him chat aawhile den tell him off gentally.. lol.. in the end he asked the guy who scolded mi tat nite 2 train mi =.= after awhile tat fag say in bl wan 2 b left alone 4 awhile 2 another guy but dunno y he had 2 b wif her still after awhile i gt dam pissed alr.. din noe wat 2 say so stayed quite later on he came back ask mi pt him back felt abit better until he say his bro train mi... he go afk =.=" so still felt dam pissed... until later on i lvled told his bro thx his bro went 2 afk again den make mi think.. he ask his bro train mi coz his busy ><" n wanna make up 4 it lols.. den after i lvl his bro afk went repot came back n train his char
after awhile he came back told mi sry coz some1 jio him go out had 2 bathe n make hair n stuff den h etold mi gd luk 4 tml interview n drawing test wow.. felt so dam happy sia he said if do well msg him tell him if nt well dun find him lol but i still felt happy ba =] so overall... happy mood 2day? ^^
tml interview n drawing test! cross fingers x>.=D

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:13 AM.

x.x had super busy wk end lol... friday went jb sat went present shopping sunday present shopping again.. monday same thing.... lols 2 more days till xmas =D

after thinking 4 awhile.. i think thrs some1 i really like nono.. love alot>< jus afrid 2 let tat person noe...
if tat person was 2 wish mi meery xmas tat would b the greatest gife i can ever wish 4 =]

things going somehw find hoping it will last oso.. my friendship wif him is growing i guess :D lol.. i had a dream few nites ago abt mi asking him something..

wake up chat wif jr b4 he go holiday
go cut hair
wrap persents
help bake cookies
help clean house
bathe doggies
go on9 maple again chat wif chocolate till late den go slp =]

XiiaoWings blogged at 10:46 AM.

2day gt back N lvl results happy wif it but..
T_T i maybe can' get in digital animation..T_T coz of the colour test ...
hais.. anyways.. 2day 1hr b4 leaving my house i was at home trying 2 make my hair black n look short lol.. =.= at home my mum n sis tell mi ya black colour black colour... den go out meet si hui she tell mi can see brown =.= n can see hair long.... den die lor.. so later i rmb wei han hair oso gt colour so called him lol den mi n si hui kena wait 4 him.. lol.. nvm.. his hair oso long n can see the highlights si hui heng lor.. tat shes a girl lol.. nt fair !! rawrs
anyways going in wei han say saw fatty thr den mi n him run out tgt wif si hui lol=/ den go in atfirst safe.. until go hall sit fatty n tingting go up scan =.= mi wei han tio =/ tgt wif few more ppl lols.. he oso.. den sian-ed we kena go mpr2 sit thr.. cannt take result until every1 gets theirs..so all sit thr lor.. den walking in ting look at mi n say wa become jungle man ah =.=wth? MY HAIR NT TAT LONG! onli colour the problem =p
lols.. later sat wif wei han.. he sit behide mi.. i can't b bothered 2 even look behide or talk 2 him ba.. lols.. so jus talk wif wei han =x lols.. den thr fatty said knn 2 times! lol! den gng come in say wan go up go cut ur hair urself den every1 was like.. wtf? take results le won;t see them anymore
=.= cut 4 fck?
if dunwan cut wait till everything over.. diao .. nvm w/e sit in aircon room oso =p
lols atfirst i wanted 2.. coz i dunwan 2 see him =/ let alone b jus infront of him =.=
i mean.. i noe we won;t talk or anything.. our talks onli happend in maple =/ok nvm.. so after tat the thing finally over den must wait 4 mr chia come down =.=
z took so long... hais he gave out the thingy den say he gt 2nd den i was thinking... sian i'm nt in the top 3 =( lol i wanted 2 b in top 3 4 once><" but my 2pid chinese
=/ in nt i could b in the top 3 =(
lols hehes
English C
Maths A
Science A
Chinese U << expected =p

i can apply 4 any course any ite offers.. but the course i wan 2 apply 4 has colour tests... dam.. hoping i can pass T_T! i really wan 2 b in animation ='(
until afternoon i emo-edT_T<< tis 2..
hais so registed on9 alr hoping 4 the best la=]
tml going jb~

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:20 AM.

tml result day.. >< kinda scared.. ab my results n the fact i'm going 2 ite.. T_T
i'm nt sure if taking digital animation will help mi in furture .. i really love drawing n my own dream is a make an anmie series n a manage but.. i dunno if i can even do it.. =/ part of mi is oso afrid of the fact tat i'm anti social... hais a new beginning ><"
aww.. tml i can say will b the last time i see my sec class 4T1 4ever.. i dun think even if they haf any gatherings they will invite mi ..
anyways.. i still will keep my friendship wif few of them =] hoping tis friendship can last oso ^^! i will make sure 2 sms msn stalk them when ever i can =D
! jy mi make a new change of myself in ite =] dun make the same mistakes i did in sec sch n pri sch !! ^^
i still think i will call him my fren even after everything has happend.. n i'm hoping he does the same 4 mi..

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:37 AM.

2day had a gd day after a long time finally smiled .. =D
2day early early ealry morning at 4+ mi n him had a talk.. abt the last few days coz went mc wif him a his fren .. starting he said i will b in the same pt but in the end.. he made mi pt wif some1 i dun even noe =.= .. den i felt so pissed la... like he wanted mi jus 2 go thr 2 make he nt waste time finding a pt.. =.=.. den ya.. felt so angry tat i jus showed it even more de usual 2 him he gt angry.. anyways.. ya we had n chat abt it i told him he been making mi more angry oso so ya.. after tat i somehw changed the topic.. lols hmm ok la i think his reason gd enuff some of them..! nt all.. i still dun get it when he say i get 2 talk 2 him anything/more den ppl in maple.. =.= the onli chance i get 2 talk wif him is in maple... i dun think our friendship will b in rl anyways.. from wat i see... we'll jus b on9 frens which i think i happy wif ba.. lols..
ok enuff of tat!
later on tat day went 2 watch bolt awww kawaaiiii tat doggy x.x" lols i went thr 1min late i think.. i tot i was the last 1..
end up i saw farrah n lim jas coming out of the cab lol in the end si hui last.. lols so went up buy tickets si hui nt thr n lim jas din bring her ez link.. lol den i somehw persude tat guy let us =X lol i say u see tis girl*lim jas* so short u see oso noe is student lol =X den si hui de i he see all student of coz she oso student =.= lol.. den we go arcade play suddenly si hui pop up tap my arm i look den look back at the game den turn back at her n shout lol!! =.="
lols i played this touch the box thing game called jubeat fun leh! but keep getting D =.= but nt bad gt PEACH! =x hana kimi jap verion ending song <3 ^^
den tis other song hanis choose 4 mi nt bad i like lol den lim go choose 1 more song.. nt nice... lol but i feel very ps when playing wif big crowd thr leh.. =/ but tat game is fun even thought i fail =.="
lol after tat watch movie
n!!! i share money wif si hui buy pop corn.. she ate 8/10 of it T_T nvm nvm =p lol den after tat jie qi went of.. so left 5 ppl.. we go white sand trying 2 find the black dye spray they say my hair can see colour... =.= ya can;t find .. kns
den went kfc eat dinner den after tat went home lols.. den on9-ed maple.. lols i think he n mi everything ok le? >< he seems ok wif talking 2 mi ba lol hmm went in ask mi 4 help his com cannt dl maple lol i smartyly tot of a way which helped him patch the thing lol felt gd 4 some reason n he oso said ty =DD
lol den later see ite course... i think i;m going 4 digital animation.. i really love drawing >< n i wanna study something i love alot =D hope i can get in! everythings seems better nw.. i hope it;s going 2 last =)
thursday 2pm! N lvl results !

XiiaoWings blogged at 10:02 AM.

tot of giving u benfit of the douth in the end u prove mi rite again sua le u wan wat ask all the ppl in fm 4 help even chat 2 u din reply fck u! i on9 4 1hr + u go in another char say u since when on9 wtf ? still dare say i delete u after tat go fm chat awhile decide sua le but den when i check lol? u fren all logout so u no1 else jus talk 2 mi 2 burn time wtf am i?
i noe i used 2 b wat 2 u nw i'm nt n nw i'm nt the same person 2 keep letting u bully or make use of.
wow den later u go out of the room say see see din come back i go outside see u chattin wif ur frens so proves my point again so watever la from nw on i'm jus going 2 show more attiude 2 u le ur nt tat person i once give so much chance 2 le anymore... tat changed a long time ago nw jus giving u face but wow give u face nw u wan the whole body + outside i saw my ign being used?
so wat treat mi as wat n still talk bad abt mi lols watever alr la y was i sad when b4 sia totally nt worth lor so ya gt so many frens lose 1 is nth 2 u de rite? =]
jus 1 onli ma i bet u can get 1 of those sluts u keep finding 2 replace mi within 10mins

XiiaoWings blogged at 11:24 AM.


wow i dunno wat 2 say abt hw angry/sad i'm feeling after 2day i can conclued i'm nth but jus a servent 4 u.
when u nid help wif something u ask mi if i say no u will like make it sound tat i haf 2 help u if i ask 4 help u either pretent u din hear mi or fake tat ur busy so i dunno wat more 2 expect from u.. i can;t belive i'm 2pid enuff 2 think we'r frens again.. ya frens onli when u nid help wif something other den tat u dunno who am i
so in the end i guess the 1 full of motive is clearly shown nw

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:33 AM.


dam.. feel so fcking pissed off nw ... zzz hat ppl who dun appericate it when u help them even though i din say anything at all... still dare say u always help mi? =.= when i nid help u act like dunno mi if i say no u nt happy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
when wif other ppl throw fren 1 side talk 2 the other person when i talk dun even reply n say cannt see =.=__ !

XiiaoWings blogged at 10:45 AM.


lols.. nth much 2 say feel so fcked up ..
when i tot everything was jus nice den..=/
TooGoodTooBeTrue =(
end up i'm jus the person 2 entertain u when ur frens r nt around?

anyways sian hair nids 2 b black again.. lucky mum bought 4 mi black dye hair shampoo seems 2 b working lol onli gd point so far =/

been dam sian oso.. wanna go out but no1 2 go out wif / no 1 jio mi go out...
overall status: EmOing..

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:36 AM.

today went vivo city again tis time go thr 4 shopping =x
went thr wif my sis n mum my bro drove us thr so din haf 2 sit mrt all the way thr =/
yay bought my kon xD nt the pillow 1 bought the big soft toy xD n bleach figue set hehe.. in the end the bleach figues is my dad buy 4 mi 4 xmas ... nvm! 19 more days ^^ but the kon muhahaha.. is something i bought 4 myself 4 xmas >=D
lols imma anime nerd ^^
after tat went 2 pet safari lols saw tat doggy!! the same breed as my baby ducthie =x it's male n totally brown dam kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii X_X
lols den went 2 tis japan shop everything $2 i bought 1 sweet =x
den went 4 lunch ate at masche? dunno hw 2 spell o.o"
den we went 2 walk around more lols.. later went 2 giant 2 see stuff o.o" saw 2 radio Djs glen n jean << i think tats their name lol! seeing famous ppl quite interesting o.o"
b4 went home we went 2 the shop tat has 2 b the most impt 1 CANDY EMPIRE !! xD weeee~~!
den went home lols =x

XiiaoWings blogged at 5:49 AM.

last thurs went 2 sentosa wif si hui lim jas haniz farrah n jie qi.
but was rainning =.= so din do much... firstly when we gt thr.. alr started 2 rain so farrah say we take bus go around sentosa till the rain stop lols.. went like... 2 rounds each on blue n red line? =/
so later on started 2 stop abit den we went 2 ask the staff if we can go on the luge. was closed coz of weather =/ lols... so was still drizzling but can go we we jus faster go on it den go back 2 vivo.. we bought 3 rounds 4 luge n skyrider each. still as fun as ever xD but kinda short =/ haha we 6 ppl play race i 2nd 2 times n 3rd the last time all coz of si hui!!! langa mi =.= haniz win all 3 rounds =/ den on the skyrider funny thing was.. was dam slow n we still get wet coz started raining again =/ lols nvm! i heng i use water proof pants n water proof bag =x but onli problem was i was using a white shirt =.= wet can see through.. zz but heng can dry fast =X lol last ride on sky rider funny sia =x coz the 1st 2 we sit 3 per rider or w/e it's called.. last round 4 ppl sit 1 n 2 ppl sit the other i won;t say who =X later they kill mi xD but i was wif the 4 ppl =X lol!! kinda giving the ans away =p lols after tat went back vivo walk abit b4 going back 2 pasir ris dam.. vivo gt alot of kon soft toy >< i wann... T_T <3 kon!! lol nt 2 4get vivo gt candy empire xD wooo~! bought very little chocolates nia =/ spent $10 onli =.=...
hmm thurs day spent total of.. $33.65(sentosa ticket $3,luge&skyrider $18,chocolates&sweet,10.65,chickencheesetako,$2)
nt bad le =x + sentosa sommore lol!
friday nth much played RO2 super lag nia =.=
hmm my sis wans 2 go 2 vivo tml lol... maybe i'm buying the kon head pillow xD

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:15 AM.

last few daes din blog~.. been playing maple lols... hmm.. wat 2 say... rite nw all i'm thinking abt is the past... is the past going 2 happend all over again? =/ i feel tat i'm getting 2 close wif u ... n i dunwan wat happend 2 happend again nt after hw badly i broke down...=( hais
so wat i'm doing nw is trying 2 avoid being wif him alone 4 long unless thr some1 thr i dun think i wanna b wif him z but >< .. when talking 2 him i 4get wat i wanted 2 do n jus act like last time.. wat i'm more worried is wat if i suddenly call him _ _ _ again =/ ytd i slpt at abt 5.30.. coz i was chatting wif him.. i nearly called him tat 4 like.. 3 times? =/ hais.. i'm seriously a idiot.. can;t even 4get such ppl..

XiiaoWings blogged at 2:00 AM.

Orleh Wa

Jerome;Xiiaowings 17
26 Jan 1992
Macpherson ITE
Digital Animator
nothing much about me read on 2 know more


HOHOHO(: jie <3
Rika Jie <3 =D
DigiAni Class Blog



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Skin done by Benson.
Image by Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Paint.


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