wat a day.. quite tiring went out wif whole lot of frens, jeremy, wei han, wilson, chiwawa*eww*, alex, jie qi, si hui, farrah n lim jas
we went 2 play pool n watch movie"wedding game"
b4 going thr i took bus den around hsc bus stop thr i saw jeremy o.o so i got down lols. he was wif chiwawa alr thr i think waiting 4 wei han ba so i meet up wif them first den went in hsc again.. lols.. den again we saw mr chia. lol jeremy funny sia he walk around keep hi 2 ppl ok la nt every1 lols.. e.g the security guards lol in the sch we saw farrah lim jas n jie qi den den saw miss chua lols! nt much abt her la =X she like so dao 1 jus go thr see us hi hi talk awhile den go liao .. lol.. saw mr chia again den we ask 4 angbao lmao he again nv give stingy sia..
after tat we walked 2 ehub jie qi farrah n lim jas went back home 2 get stuff first so mi jeremy wei han n chiwaw go ehub arcade play awhile till they come back den si hui n hanis met us up thr oso
i play tis game.. erm.. 4got the name alr la lol.. wanted 2 play jubeat but dun dare 2 oso ~.~" 2 much ppl><" anyways later when every1 came we went 2 play pool den lim jas din change her uni.. can't go in =.= so she n jie qi go kbox... n the rest went 2 play pool lols. quite fun leh dun mind playing again oso xD lol!
after awhile wilson came le den continue play 4 awhile more till 4.30 den we went 2 buy the movie tickets. while waiting mi wei han n si hui go 2 tis cosplay shop omgs leh!! gt L bag!!! i wan X_X!!
still gt lot of other stuff la den wei han wanted 2 buy cat ears but hair nt long enuff 2 clip =X lol! he oso interested in a goth dress.. tat i supose his gonna use 2 cosplay/crossdress lol.. but wow tat shop lots of nice stuff lor! lots of stuff i like leh ><"
oya!! zzz the tickets rawr! they make mi pay until $16 =.= den popcorn oso dunwan blanja mi n SOMEONE still say nvm la u rich wat wtf lor ! i waste so much money blanja dunno which idiot who nv pay zz
anyways.. the movie.. lols okok was quite funny espically the part when fan wong like wrestle wif chrisw/e his name is den go the window thr act like making out lol!! n another part this old woman chrisw/e the 'manager' lol! she was rubbing oil on his body she say i'm feeling abit horny.. i mean hot LOLLLL!!!!! tat 1 funny la xD
lols.. fan wong aiming so zai 1 oso =x lol
after movie they all wanted go 4 dinner but yea.. i nid go home 2 eat dinner lols... sry guys.. but overall was quite a gd day
even in sch it was gd talked alot =D lols. a small improvement hehe..

is it really worth it even if u kept ur pormise but never talk anymore after tat? =/
so was it all becoz u jus wanted 2 keep ur promise we stayed in contact..? =(
i dunno wat else 2 expect anymore...

XiiaoWings blogged at 4:38 AM.

aww.. tiring day man.. had pe omgs.. another teacher came in n wth ~.~ her maths fail man.. push up keep stuck at 6 =X
but after all the 2pid pe stuff played basketball omgs... i sucked so much 2day =.=""
really getting abit 2 gong liao la.. i even steal ball from my team mate ...
wei wei joined in lol i make him play =X ok le atleast gt fren pei mi play lousy =XXX
so after pe ~
was break n tis time mi n wei wei sat wif our classmates 4 the first time lol starting we both keep sit by ourself but ya.. slowly slowly =D lol ok ah sitting wif them can laught alot la n dun feel so anti social lols ^^
den adp.. omgs.. dam boring la watch some 2pid movie which i watch dunno hw many times le den after the movie was over watch other 'short' films hmm.. was ok la animation quite nice but very boring i even slept .. lols after sch~
went back on the way jr called ask us pei him go back hsc lols.. so yea.. we went back again lol but b4 tat we saw ben lols! wow keep seeing classmates =D
so overall 2day was dam tiring la.. tml still gt basketball cca 2 go 2 x.x"" but nvm! firday~! =DD!! can;t wait hehe
jy mi in getting in basketball cca ^^!
hoping 4 another gd day tml =]]

somehw ur still in my dreams. n ur the onli person i wanna see ._. .. i hate tis feel @@"

XiiaoWings blogged at 6:04 AM.

lols.. wat a day.. 2 things all on 1day my birthday n cny nt bad la went my uncle house the rich 1 =X omgs sia.. his house so dam big!! 1 day hope 2 haf a house like tat sia +__+!! so yea.. went the all was like shocked coz i changed my look so much lols... but den again attiude still same super quite. cut my birthday cake oso 2day andersen ice cream cake <33 very nice leh xD i got a watch from my mum n dad lol the rest was jus money but nvm la.. 2 mi .. i prefer getting a gift den getting money or food n the gift doesn;t haf 2 b exp or wat i really love diy presents la.. thrs the effort in the gift oso lols..
so yea.. pretty much like tat la 2day...

i was so surprised when u msged mi at midnight.. i was like .. wow.... i really din expect u will do something like tat. i'm really happy by tat wish =]] aww.. if onli tat dream i had ytd could happend =/ ta would make the best present i ever got =D

XiiaoWings blogged at 6:19 AM.

tired sia. ><"
after a long day with lots n lots of walking o.o" dunnid excerise again 2day =D
so went 2 meet dom n xavier at douby guart dunno hw spell.. the place whr pc bunk is located at. came late sia ><" again...
so after tat went thr played the basketball game thr. thr gt jubeat sia.. i dun dare play gt lots of ppl ><"
anyways after tat went 2 watch xavier play game lols. so after he was done we went 2 orchard 2 meet up wif the rest.
when we got thr nick was alr waiting 4 us lol so was the 4 of us chatted 4 awhile den went 2 buy drinks den nas came n den farrah n den rusell n lastly daph n her bf
so we went 2 an apple shop coz daph bf din 2 go thr dunno do wat i din ask lols.
from thr went 2 taka b4 we went in suddenly path change den go 2 paragon o.o" went thr 2 go eat end up we went back 2 taka lols. every1 was getting tired oso la ><
myself was also dieing alr lol.. we went 2 taka's kfc 2 eat
after finish eating su hao came from thr we went 2 kinokuniya woot i bought my jump magazine ^^!! i bought shonen jump n weekly jump total 19.60 o.o lols. worth it la =X tat book shop has many comics oso sia O_O!! omgs lor i seen alot i wan leh >< but .. sadly i no money D:
so after tat went 2 art fren
n den went 2 fareast.. was disappointed.. i tot i would b able 2 see some1 thr ><" but i guess no fate la =/
anyways still was ok but was geeting tired
after walking around we went outside 2 wait 4 linsay den we went back 2 near the mrt station so i went back home lols ..
so ppl who went was mi xavier dom nick nas farhan rusell daph & her bf su hao n linsay o.o quite alot of ppl lols. had fun of coz but i was being 2 quite ><"" dunno if spoiled any1s mood oso anot >< hopfully i will get used 2 being more talkative wif them soon la.. ._.

i thought i would had atleast a chance 2 see u but i guess fate wans it 2 happend tis way =(
1 more day till my birthday =D

XiiaoWings blogged at 5:48 AM.

dam google... can;t see my blog ytd n wanted 2 update sommore ~.~"
anyways nw working lols..
had a quite good wk played basketball alot lol i stilll sux at it ^^"
weds had pe did the nafa thingy lol! i did 1 pull up !!! LOLL!
went out after sch 2 meet jeremy wilson ye han jian cai n a dog =X was really so fcked up sia ... mi n si hui reached tm they say dunwan go le... =.=! den ask us go 2simei ite wth.. end up they went jus stone 1 corner went popular buy stuff n went home...
thurs had presentation.. nth 2 say i was really dam scared... >< but vince said my group did well lol!
fri took the wrong bus on the way 2 sch.. ._."" so end up mi si hui n wei wei had 2 walk from thr 2 sch.. 15mins + late... played basketball during break lols n yea.. still sucked ~.~"" after sch meet up wif jian cai he brought us in2 simei ite .. o.m.g .. so frigging big!! *jealous* thrs like 3 canteens n alex told us thrs 103 toliets in tat campus wth... even the toilet is dam big @@ from from thr walked back 2 simei mrt den went back 2 hsc 2 get some stuff back den at bus interchange saw leo sia o-o lols! so later abt 2 go in2 hsc jian cai saw daimein =.="" ewww he using sec sch uni sommore lol later we called ye han ask him come along wif us so he reached le went in sch 2 hunt mr chia lols wow hsc general office staff still sux 2 the core man.. anyways later saw mr chia abit miss him oso la his a nt bad teacher lols n going in2 hsc nw i used 2 dun like talking loud thr ytd i talk loud like i own the sch sia =X i'm nt a student thr anymore they can do wat give mi pc? xD later saw ed O.o loll! ok la see him almost everyday =X see until sian le lol so no big surpirse 2 mi den later farrah jie qi n wilson finally come =.= lol jie qi ask us do survy i alr did but i ask him let mi do 1 more he say make up any name..
lol =X
i put
Name: suk mai kok Age: 69
ocupation: duck seller
the sury was abt teaching den the comments i dunno wat 1 write ask wei wei fill in 4 mi lol he put
i like to teach small kids to do xxxxxxx
LOL!! i was like laughing out loud n rolling on the floor laughting =X lol!!
anyways 2days plans
meeting classmates later going town shopping i think o.o hopfully i won;t b muted la><"" if am muted.. will really spoil their mood ><" every1 talking onli i'm nt ._."
anyways jt mi =DD

2 more day 2 my big day =DDD n $$ day xD

XiiaoWings blogged at 5:15 PM.

damm sick i'm sick... -.- hate it.. n haf pe 2day T_T!
hais.. maybe coz i very long din excerise den went play basketball tat day ~.~""
anyways .. i'm gonna join basketball as my cca =D but thrs a selection... i sux at shooting n attacking =/ onli gd in defending and stealing.... jy mi~!
hoping for another gd day in sch<3

had a dream last night.. u were in it =/

XiiaoWings blogged at 3:29 PM.

feeling so happy =D i'm loving my class alot! =DD
i seriously dun regret joining tis course !! i dun care who say wat bad stuff abt my sch like very small dun haf tis or wat heck care them ! my sch has something they won;t haf.. a well bonded class =]
2day~ they bought a cake starting i tot it was jus 4 vince but it was 4 all those whose birthday on jan felt so touched =]
in sec sch.. took den until dunno when den got cake 4 mi de oso .. sommore was 4 yrs =/
tis was like.. 2wks? lols..
argh.. i really love my class lot n hope i willl stay like tis 4 the rest of the 2 yrs =D
2day after sch went xiaver house*dunno spell correct anot* house which is a condo O_O 2 play basketball lols xiaver, nick, soo hao, russel n jun jie went along oso hope i spelled their name correctly ><"
wow .. i was like.. muted sia=/ i din dare 2 talk><" still shy lols.. but talk later when playing basketball lol dam funny hahas we disturb each other while playing hahas
i really enjoyed myself la =D hoping they will jio mi more so i will slowly talk more oso ^^
i'm starting 2 think lesser abt tat person =] maybe i can move on .. but i will still miss tat person =/

XiiaoWings blogged at 6:14 AM.

wee had a super fun day =D
went out wif my ite frens nic, dom, randy and daph(senior/assitant teacher)
lols.. i came thr dam late ><" about 1.20+?
was surpose 2 meet them at 1 lols.. ^^"
anyways we went 2 bugis had lunch first den went 2 art fren
went thr buy some art stuff lol .. duh =.=
from thr went 2 popular den from thr went back bugis junction n den went 2 townside nic wanted 2 go shopping lols went like.. dunno hw many places
wow nic noe whr find wat sia
their planning another gathering soon i think hope gt invite mi ba haha was nt tat bad as i tot it would b at the start i really enjoy myself alot ^^
made 4 frens =D

haha ite really gonna rock alot ! love my class alot =D dun regret going 2 discourse n tis sch

XiiaoWings blogged at 5:16 AM.

wee~ bloggy b4 sleepy~
omgs very slpy =/
hmm anyways si hui jie in my class =D wee gt another fren ^^
so far i find ite quite enjoyable really like my class =D even though i dun talk much thr =x slowly will ba hehe..
after 1 wk i find my drawing improved =D
even he said nice le ^^
feel so happy =D
hope i will feel tis way 4 the rest of the yr ba =D
tml maybe going out wif my classmates 2 art fren or i go thr wif wei wei but the outlet at taka hopfully is go wif classmates ba wanna get closer wif them oso haha =D

XiiaoWings blogged at 6:19 AM.

woo~ b4 sch startto~~
at home nth 2 do~ waiting till 8+ den i leave my house~~
weee si hui in digital animation le =D nw hopeing she get in the same class wif mi ba
=x atleast 1 more fren =D
wow almost 1 wk of ite sching life .
hmm actually quite stress leh alot of stuff 2 do =/ but yea.. i knew tis course gonna b stressful besides i wanted a stressful 1 lol i noe i'm weird =x
mixing slowly slowly wif my class ba i seem 2 b able 2 talk 2 the girls more lols
anyways my group project abt done actually lol left the presentation n other stuff lol quite fast leh i like this group alot sia all do the work no1 slacks ^^
lols. lend some guy in my class my psp 2 copy over pnagya oso hmm maybe from tat can talk abt the game lor hahas

starting 2 miss some1 once again =/ but.. i'll b happy if tat person is.. =]

hoping 4 a gd day 2day~!

XiiaoWings blogged at 3:46 PM.

wow been quite awhile been busy playing psp after sch =D
lols anyways 3days past so fast been hafing abit of fun in sch so far
sadly i can say i din make real frens most hi bye frens onli ._. but it's a start =] ppl noe i'm friendly they might talk 2 mi more lol
i hope so ba =x hehes..
si hui going join animation soon le =D hope same class as mi atleast 1 more real fren =/
sian x.x" i gt like...
1 200 word assey
2 drawings
._."" stressful but soon i'll b able 2 tahan=]

still miss some1 real badly.. when we chat on msn i feel so happy =] n i even get my mood back if i'm nt in a gd 1.
my birthday coming up soon i haf 2 wishes..
1. he keeps the promise
2. tat some1 wishes mi happy birthday

hoping 4 another gd day tml =]

XiiaoWings blogged at 6:49 AM.

current feel so emo-ed =/
2nd time i gt ignored..
even though chated abit.. felt so ... =/
lol.. even went off wif out telling mi or saying anything.. =/
lols. maybe coz nt classmates anymore i become a stranger 2 tat person =(
it's gonna break soon. =/

XiiaoWings blogged at 8:06 AM.

ytd~ last day of orientation
was alone wei wei din go 2 sch so i had 2 make frens
in the mrt tried msging few frens finding some1 2 keep msging wif in sch =/ so i won't get bored or feel alone lol... msged atleast 5 ppl onli 4 ans the 1.. maybe nt hw i tot it was ba.. nvm abt at last 1
i was like.. 2mins early b4 9 lol
came in sch saw my classmates 1 of them turned around n look at mi n i said hello no ans =/ after tat went 2 hall 4 some talk tat guy i said hello 2 sat nxt 2 mi so i try talking again lols talk quite abit but ya.. very diffrent from old frens =/ later went out talked 2 2 more guys from my class lols joke wif 1 of them while going down talked 2 1 more guy ~ after tat was tea break i actually stepped into my sch canteen leh hmm the food looks quite nice maybe i try when gt ppl 2 sit wif tgt n eat lor =x den went 2 buy a 7 up n walk around n msg frens~ den tat guy i was talking wif found mi den talk abit den walk around awhile till go foyer den sat down i listen 2 music n msg frens again~ + watch ppl play floor ball lols den later rest of my classmates wer on the other side so mi n tat guy went over thr lols.. after tat went hall again 4 a concert during tat i talked 2 another 2 more guys lols! 1 of them look n talked like alex onli in english O_O! the other guy remind mi of jeremy sia during the concert the ppl from macantronics keep making comments abt the show but quite funny oso la
gt 1 part the kung fu 1 when they kick or punch they do the sound effect 4 them lol them funny la i notices tat even thought teacher walk pass i still using my handfone freely no1 stopped mi =X even those ppl from macantronic din get stopped
after tat was lunch went down den wanted 2 go 2 1 spot sit down n msg + listen music den alex no.2 folo mi ask mi i going whr lol.. den i stopped 2 more guys came wif him den talked abit again lols make joke thr again oso =X den another guy asked us if wan 2 go buy the art stuff 4 class wif the girls in my class i din mind ba can make fren wif girls oso if nt i mix wif guys onli meh =X lol the shop was at bugis which was dam far from macpherson =.="
anyways i din talk much till we reached the place n haha we actually nt allowed 2 go out of campus during lunch wif out a teacher premission nvm la in the end din get scolded lols so went 2 the shop bought the stuff den 1 of the girls was holding it i offer 2 help carry it from thr started 2 talk le ^^
they quite frenly actually 1 of them very frenly talk abit wif her oso lol so had 2 take taxi back if nt we will b late le den total had 10 ppl so had 2 take 3 taxis
lol.. den ya we reach back sch in time when all of them jus went back class nia hmm okok la actually sat alone 1 of the girls sat wif mi lols so from thr made 2 frens oso ^^ after tat my form teacher, mr ee, was telling us abt nxt wk we will b hafing 5new classmates he say 1 of them ah gua o.o" pls dun b tat shemale i saw on monday D:
after tat class over can go home le mi the other guy n the 8 girls stayed behide 2 count the money den mr ee come talk 2 us he even teach us hw 2 use the stuff we bought lols after tat he show us some of last yr yr 1 students drawings omgs really nice leh 1 of the girls keep saying look like sai =.="
lols.. after tat went home le was meeting si hui n lim jas 4 lunch den lim told mi she was bringing 1 fren wif her but she told si hui she bringing 1 girl n 2 guys wif her ... but ok la nvm i was in the mood 2 make frens =x
so later mi n si hui waiting 4 lim jas we saw emma o.o she going in digital audio video in simei lol den when lim jas came she intro us 2 the girl first the other 2 guys she say they ps lol her fren quite ok leh very frenly the other 2 guys oso but they starting din wan 2 talk 1 of the guys was member of student councile n he stays in pasir ris 102 O_O nxt block 2 mi lol! the other 1 i nt sure kena suan by him oso lol but oso ok la after lunch 1 of the guys left. den i rush up 2 popular 2 buy skecth book n drawing block 4 nxt wk den came down looking 4 them i saw leo lol! dunno y feel happy 2 see old frens leh =/ his in yishun ite taking areospace o.o so we talk abit den he left so left mi si hui lim n her 2 frens so we all went bowling lol at the bowlin place we saw jie qi sia lol! talk 2 him abit oso so after tat long day went home feel so happy. happy enuff i actually stop thinking abt tat some1 =]
but ya.. still miss tat person =/ wish 1 day tat person would msg or call mi asking hw am i.. or even better wish mi happy birthday on my birthday =]

XiiaoWings blogged at 9:57 PM.

end of day 2 in new sch..
feel so weird... din make any new frens yet i din talk much 2 lols.
missing my old class alot =(
on monday saw new classmates see ppl wif some of my old frens charcteristics
went 4 a tour walk around the sch hmm the sch was kinda dull 2 mi but hey i knew i will b expecting tis wat 2 do simei doesn;t haf tis course it's ok.. i'll tahan the sch =] omgs my sch alot of malays o.o sry.. nt racist but.. my sec sch thrs alot of chinese used 2 it =/ hearing ppl talk chinese everywhr lols. thrs afew chinese ppl in my class ba maybe try befren them =]
2nd day*2day* wei han dinw an 2 go 2day but somehw he changed his mind so heng ba =D was abit scared as i'm going 2 b alone coz i din make any frens =/ n i dun haf any classmates in the same ite...
after sch went 4 lunch asked si hui out oso =D felt so happy seeing my fren espically my jie =X
2day lim jas n wilson came 2 my sch 4 a cca talk n i went 2 tampinese ite 4 a talk lol wow tampinese ite seems much bigger n nicer
lol when lim jas n wilson came they went 2 the hall n msg mi saying "walao ur hall gt air con"
the funny thing was i din noe my hall had aircon =X lols again din make any frens was afrid 2 talk =/
after sch mi n wei han wanted 2 go off alr den we decided call wilson ask him find us so can go 4 lunch tgt lols. he din go so mi n wei wei went on our own in the bus i called wilson 2 ask him check the cca 4 mi i was thinking of joining bowling tot can go simei 4 the cca =/ can atleast b in simei lols...
so later met up wif wilson decided 2 ask si hui if wanted 2 meet so she called lim jas along so it was mi wei han si hui wilson n lim jas
si hui n lim jas waited 4 us in white sand later we went up food court saw edmund lols! dam he still call mi misa ~.~ lol.... hahas it's ok =] was abit happy 2 see my classmates lols. so all 5 of us was hafing lunch felt super happy n was dam talkative =] the onli time in the day i felt so happy.. =( in onli i was tat high in my new class >< i'm feeling so scared abt tml =/ haf 2 make few frens i noe wei han nt gonna go 2 sch everyday ~.~"
feel tat thrs something missing =( must b coz i miss some1 alot T_T wish can meet wif tat person.. =(

XiiaoWings blogged at 4:27 AM.

first day of sch tml abit excited, afrid n sad lols
excited coz brand new start
afrid coz scared cannt make new frens
sad coz won;t b seeing some1 anymore in sch=/

XiiaoWings blogged at 7:46 AM.

Orleh Wa

Jerome;Xiiaowings 17
26 Jan 1992
Macpherson ITE
Digital Animator
nothing much about me read on 2 know more


HOHOHO(: jie <3
Rika Jie <3 =D
DigiAni Class Blog



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Skin done by Benson.
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